Come as You Are, Skol!

Come as You Are, Skol!

You are invited to watch this Sunday’s (1/21) NFC championship game with us at the Goodness, downtown Willmar. We will open at 5:30PM. Bring an appetizer or dessert to share.

Come as You Are, meets weekly on Sunday nights, but this week, we will be watching the game, so if you have been thinking about coming, this is your chance to watch the game and join us. If you are not sure if this if for you, it is. If you read this blog and identify with anything in it, then this meeting is for you.

Come as You Are is a nonjudgmental community of Christians, committed to meeting together to honestly discuss life’s struggles and to pursue God. We would love for you to join us!

Skol Vikings!

No Responses

  1. J. Smith says:

    Thanks for the invite. I can’t make it but wish you all a great day together.

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