The Next Right Choice
Titus 2:2 Be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness.
Some days, I find myself despairing over the discrepancy between what I am and what I want to be. I read a list like this and sigh, That does not sound like me at all. When will I get there? I feel like my personality traits are the exact opposite of this passage. I am impulsive when I should display self-control. I am full of self and resentment when I should be full of God and His love.
Then, I realize that this is not the exception but the rule. I am in a process of becoming, as we all are. I am not there yet and it is necessary for me to be comfortable with that reality. Realizing I am not there yet, is the beginning of growth. I must accept this truth, or I will forever be stuck in a state of arrested spiritual development.
Denying my defect and need for growth paralyzes me, as in my pride, I convince myself that I have arrived and do not require change. As I said, some days, it bothers me that I still require growth, but then I realize the reality that Paul taught. I can be better than who I am.
If I want to live the life I am supposed to live, this is as close or as far away as my next right choice. It is in despair and futility that I see living right as some far-off fantasy. Paul insisted that living right, is something that I must do here and now. I need only to make the next right choice.
This often requires me to acknowledge that my natural or first impulse is wrong. First thought, wrong thought, I learned in treatment, describing the impulsive thinking of the addict. I must accept that I am not there yet, but that I do not have to stay where I am. I can choose the next right choice and I can daily grow in my faith.
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thank you so much for that word, I so feel the same and to have someone feel the same and explain it this way really makes me understand how I’m feeling.
We are all in the same boat, whether we like to admit it or not.