Distraction and Destruction

Distraction and Destruction

And they abandoned the LORD, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Egypt. They went after other gods, from among the gods of the peoples who were around them, and bowed down to them. And they provoked the LORD to anger. Judges 2:12

I often write about how, in my addiction, I turned from God to follow my will. In doing so, he caused or allowed me to experience painful consequences. Then, in that disaster, I did what it took to abandon drugs, attempting to follow God’s will for my life. In recovery, God has restored my life, saving me from myself. I speak of God as having a dramatic hand in both the destruction and the restoration of my life. If I were a nonbeliever reading my story, I think I’d probably say something like this – That wasn’t God. That’s simply how the world works. If you use your medical license to obtain drugs, you’re going to self-destruct. Then, if you get sober, your life will automatically improve.

To this, I’d agree – That is how the world works, because that’s how God made the world. It may not always be so obvious, but this principle is illustrated in today’s passage. In the story, God’s people followed him and successfully conquered the promised land. They didn’t completely obey God though and allowed a remnant of people (who didn’t follow God) to remain. Those few nonbelievers became a distraction, seducing Israel away from God to worship foreign idols. In turning from God, he allowed or caused his people to experience painful consequences, which were designed to return them to him.

I’m not saying that if we follow God, that we’ll get rich, live in nice homes, and drive expensive cars. I am saying that when we abandon God to follow ourselves, he causes or allows us to find misery. If we desire to experience the life, joy, and peace for which we were created, we must recognize that anything that distracts us from following God is self-destructive. Then, whether it’s pornography, drugs, greed, or gluttony, we must do what it takes to abandon those distractions. If we tolerate and pursue distractions, we find destruction. In seeking God and his will however, we will instead find authentic life and joy, because that’s simply how he made the world to work.

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