

And now I am about to go the way of all the earth . . . Joshua 23:14

The Abrams family got together over the last several days to celebrate Christmas, which was a wonderful time of family, food, and games. In addition to the usual festivities though, my sister asked a few of us to share a daily devotion. On Christmas day, it was my father’s turn and, always the pastor, he pointed us all towards Christ, speaking of heaven and the afterlife. Additionally, my mother shared how she daily prays for us all, asking God that we would all come to know him so that we may all meet in heaven one day.

My parents are both still in good health, but in their 80s, they’ve more years behind them than in front of them and, given the opportunity, they took an eternal view, pointing us to the most important things in life. As always, I’m thankful for them and the legacy they’ve created. In my addiction, it was God who saved me from myself, but it was my parents who first pointed me to God. That’s the kind of legacy I’d like to leave behind.

Today’s passage tells us of Joshua and his legacy. Nearing the end of his life, Joshua told the Israelites that he was soon going to go the way of all living things. Before he died though, he reminded them of where God had brought them. From wanderers in the wilderness to the conquerors of Canaan, God had given the Israelites the promised land. It was Joshua though, who obeyed God, leading them through it all. In following God, Joshua created a legacy that exists to this day.

At age 51, I don’t tend to think of the end of my life much. If I look back at the last thirty years of my life though, realizing how fast it’s gone, I probably should recognize that the next thirty years will go just as fast. In the grand scheme of things, I don’t have all that much time here on Earth. So, the question is, What kind of legacy will I leave behind? Will my family remember that I was a good father and husband? I hope so. More importantly though, I hope that they remember that I lived by faith and that I pointed them towards faith as well. One day I will go the way of all the Earth, and at that time, I hope that I can look back at the same kind of legacy that my parents have. I hope that I can look at my life, realizing that I lived for those things that truly mattered and that I encouraged others to do the same. That’s a legacy worth living for today.

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