
Who I Allow Into My Life

Who I Allow Into My Life

At the end of three days after they had made a covenant with them, they heard that they were their neighbors and that they lived among them. Joshua 9:16

When it comes to recovery, I’ve got it pretty good. I’ve got a best friend with whom I do a jail Bible study, and I’m married to a wonderful woman who is supportive of my faith and recovery. I simply don’t have many people close to me who would try to lead me astray. It’s not that my life is completely insulated from the world. I daily spend time with those who’re struggling with chemicals. I do not however spend time with those who’re struggling while they sit in the bar drinking. While it’s my personality to be truly close to only a few people, I have been blessed by those few people whom God has brought into my life. For my part, I’ve been selective at whom I’ve let in. I know where I want my life to go, and I don’t want to attach myself to those who’re going in the opposite direction. As I’m rereading this, I’m afraid it sounds a little arrogant, but it’s more self-preservation. I know that if I spend my leisure time with those who use chemicals, I’ll find myself wanting to do likewise.

I must be careful about to whom I attach myself. That’s the lesson of today’s passage. In the story, the Israelites continued their conquest of Canaan, when those in Gibeon came up with a plan to save themselves. The Gibeonites pretended to be from a far-off land and approached the Israelites, professing to fear their God. The Israelites were smitten by these fellow believers and made a truce with them. Only a few days later though, the Israelites discovered that these charlatans were supposed to be next in line on their conquest. In haste, Israel made truce with their enemies, getting into bed with those who, if it was in their power, would destroy them.

As a follower of Christ, I must love those around me – everyone. I don’t get to be selective about with whom I share Christ’s love. That, however, doesn’t mean I give everyone equal access and influence in my life. I know that I’m prone to be affected by those with whom I spend time, so I daily pray that I would make good decisions, and that God would guide my life, protecting me from myself. Thankfully, he’s provided me with those who would be a good influence, instead of encouraging me to wander. If I want my life to go in a certain direction, I must surround myself with those who’re also going in that direction.

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