Boy Parts

At that time the LORD said to Joshua, “Make flint knives and circumcise the sons of Israel a second time.” Joshua 5:2
In urgent care, it’s not uncommon for a man to come to clinic with some small lump, pain, or spot on his genitalia. If that lump, pain, or spot were anywhere else, he’d likely ignore it for a decade or more. Because of the significance of his genitalia though, and its centrality to his life and identity, he’s feels compelled to address the problem urgently. Is it cancer? I’ve met grown men who’ve tolerated skin cancer on their face for months, allowing it to consume half their face before seeking medical treatment. If it had been on their genitalia though, they’d likely have been in clinic a half hour after they discovered it.
For most men, our identity is wrapped up in our sexuality, which we associate with our genitalia. Because of our testosterone levels, sex is vitally important to most men. And so, we cling to our sexuality, desiring to maintain control of it. We may claim faith, leading upstanding moral lives in almost every other area, but often, we retain control of our sexuality, refusing to surrender it to God. Adulterous relationships, pornography, lust, and illicit fantasy, are all self-destructive expressions of our sexuality, born out of our refusal to relinquish control in that one part of ourselves. I’ve met countless men whose first step back to relapse and incarceration began with lust. They wanted recovery and they wanted God in their lives. But they did whatever they wanted with their sexuality, and it was their downfall.
This, I think, is why God commanded circumcision. Years prior, God told Moses to circumcise the Israelites. Decades had passed though, and that generation was gone. Now, as the Israelites entered the promised land, God commanded Joshua to once again observe the practice. Why the penis though? Why not the tip of the ear, finger, or nose? Perhaps it was for hygienic reasons, but I think God commanded men to observe circumcision as a sign of sacrifice and obedience when it came to their sexuality. God knew exactly how men are most tempted to practice evil and, as they entered the promised land, he desired that they commit themselves to obedience – in every area of life, including their sexuality.
Circumcision is no longer required for those who follow Christ, but still, the principle stands. If I want to enjoy the new life God desires for me, I must give up the old life. I can’t follow Christ and maintain control of my sexuality. God wants all of me, which means I must be obedient to him, abandoning pornography, inappropriate relationships, and even lustful thoughts. I can’t follow God and my boy parts.