
The Greatest Threat to My Way of Life

The Greatest Threat to My Way of Life

And you shall not bring an abominable thing into your house and become devoted to destruction like it. You shall utterly detest and abhor it, for it is devoted to destruction. Deuteronomy 7:26

Twenty-five years ago, I frequently watched a conservative talk show in which the host regularly ranted against anyone left of himself on the political spectrum. I became invested and found myself offended by the absurdities of the democrats. At that time, if you’d have asked me what the greatest threat to my way of life was, I might have said that it was unchecked immigration. The truly absurd thing though, was at that time, I was developing my own drug addiction. As it turned out, immigrants didn’t make me lose my job and wreck my marriage. I did. I brought drugs into my home, nearly destroying everything good in my life. The greatest threat to my way of life back then, and now, wasn’t some sinister people group that was trying to destroy me. The greatest threat to my faith, family, and career, has always been me and any evil which I’ve invited into my life.

Be careful with what you allow into your home. This was God’s message to his people in today’s passage. In it, the Israelites prepared to enter the promised land, but they feared the people already dwelling there, because they knew they’d have to face them in battle. God promised though, that they’d be victorious while they walked with him. God warned that the greatest threat wouldn’t be military opposition. Rather, the greatest threat to their existence would be themselves. While they walked with God, they were invincible. If, however, they invited foreign gods – idols – into their homes, they would turn themselves from God, bringing about their own self-destruction.

I don’t find myself watching a lot of cable news talk shows anymore. I’m not suggesting that politics isn’t of some importance, I’m simply saying that for me, politics was a distraction from my own struggles and failures. There is evil in the world, but on a daily, practical level, the greatest threat I face isn’t some external force that’s trying to break into my home. The greatest evil I face is the evil that I’m tempted to invite into my own home. These threats aren’t obvious, like some golden calf idol. Rather, these threats are things that I think I want but which I know aren’t good for me. Pride, greed, lust, and gluttony are all greater threats to me than any external force. If I desire the life for which God created me, then daily, I must be careful about that which I invite into my life and into my home.

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