
Pray for Me

Pray for Me

At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison— that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak. Colossians 4:3-4

While in treatment back in 2014, I told myself I was going to use my addiction for good, becoming an addiction medicine physician, helping others with their struggle. At the time it was a desperate, grandiose attempt to hope that something good could come out of my disaster. In reality, my own life and career were a mess, and I was a long way from being able to help anyone. First, I had to find authentic recovery myself. God used my disaster though, to get me to the point where I was ready to change and then he used those counselors in treatment to point me in the right direction. I’m thankful for the consequences I suffered. Without them I wouldn’t have changed. I’m also grateful for those counselors who made it their life mission to help people like me. I couldn’t have done it alone.

Now, having found recovery, working in addiction medicine is no longer just a desperate, far-off dream. In putting my life and career back together, God has allowed me the opportunity to work in both a jail and a treatment facility. Daily now, I can use my greatest life disaster to help others who are experiencing their greatest life disaster. I’m thankful for the opportunity, but still, addiction can be a frustrating business in which to work. Repeated failure and relapse are all-too common and some days, it seems like I never do any good. That is where you come in. I need your help.

In today’s passage, Paul asked his audience to pray for opportunity to continue sharing the gospel. Incarcerated himself, he didn’t ask others to pray for his release from prison. He simply asked them to pray for the chance to be able to speak truth and love into the lives of those around him.

That is what I’d ask you to pray for me – that I would have opportunity to point others to faith and recovery. This week we’re starting a new recovery meeting at the jail in which I work. Since Covid-19 arrived, volunteers haven’t been allowed in jail, so programming has been limited. Now, since I work there, I’m allowed to meet with the inmates. So, please pray that God would work on those whose lives are a disaster, preparing them for transformation. Pray for opportunity. Pray for me. Daily, pray that those in need will find a new life in faith and recovery.

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