My Sunday Morning Insincerity

Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” Matthew 6:9
Most AA meetings begin with a reading of the 12 steps and other customary AA writings. When I first began attending meetings, I paid attention as it was all new. As time passed and as the readings became routine, I started zoning out. My mind wandered and my mind engaged partially only when it was my turn to read.
Something similar happens to my brain on Sunday morning, during the first 20 minutes of church, as we sing worship songs. I stand there, reading and singing the words off the screen, often, without really thinking about them. Instead, I’m settling in to my pew, looking around, seeing who else is in my section, wondering what’s for lunch, and hoping this song ends soon. I’m usually self-conscious enough to realize about half-way through, that I’m being profoundly insincere in my pseudo-worship.
Why do we sing worship songs anyway? In today’s passage, Jesus teaches that when we approach God, we should begin with this phrase, Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Does God need us to remind him that he is God? Does he need our words of affirmation to feel good about himself? No, Jesus tells us to approach God with words of praise so that we remember our proper position before him.
This, I think, is the reason for worship at the beginning of our church service, so that we assume an appropriate posture before God. He’s God. We’re not. He’s the creator and we’re the created. Songs of worship are about expressing our reverence, love, and obedience to God.
It is so easy though, to become accustomed to the repetitive, routine words of worship without really thinking about them. I think it’s safe to say that on Sunday mornings, most of us in church sing words declaring our love for and obedience to God, that we don’t really live out the rest of the week.
If we desire to approach God properly, as Jesus commanded, and if we truly want to live in right relationship to him, then we must take seriously this time of worship. If we desire authentic faith, life, and recovery, then we must approach God in an appropriate posture. You’re God and I’m not. Today, and every day, I’ll follow your way, not mine.
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“Christians don’t tell lies – they just go to church and sing them.” – A. W. Tozer
Good word today! This quote is on my mind every Sunday. Thanks for challenging us with your life stories and the truth of God’s Word!
I love Tozer. Pursuit of God is that one book that I’ve read over and over, more than any other.
In church, I’ve often had to stop, think about what I’m singing and either quit singing it, or decide that I’m going to try and live it. Thanks Pastor Tony!