The True Meaning of Life

I will save my people from the east country and from the west country, and I will bring them to dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. And they shall be my people, and I will be their God. Zechariah 8:7-8
Drug addiction was only the most obvious manifestations of a life pointed at myself. I simply followed my appetite, which eventually led me to addiction because that is just one of the self-destructive flaws of my broken nature. Though I’ve never consciously believed that I’m at the center of the universe, I’ve lived that way.
Some will say that the true meaning of life is to follow one’s desires, but those of us who have done so, finding only misery, know this to be a bitter lie. I’m not at the center of it all. Following me isn’t the meaning of life and doesn’t lead me to joy, peace, and fulfilment.
Why then are we here? Zechariah, in today’s passage, reveals the purpose of our existence. God made us to live in intimate community and relationship with him. The Bible, from beginning to end, details his pursuit of us and his desire that we pursue him in return. He longs to save us from the misery of ourselves so that we may know the life and joy found only in him.
Following me has led me only to frustration, destruction, and pain. Following God has led to life, peace, and joy. Still though, I daily struggle with my ongoing self-destructive appetites. As long as I live in this broken flesh, I will continue to be tempted to follow me.
Every morning then, I pray this: Father, I thank you for your love, grace and forgiveness. Thank you for pursuing me, even when I was running from you. Thank you for saving me from myself and my addiction. Thank you for another day of life and recovery. Today, I want to respond in the only appropriate way, by turning from my way to follow yours. I want to love you more, know you more, and follow you better. Fill me with you and in doing so, flow out of me into the lives of those around me. Today, I want to find my joy, purpose, and meaning in you alone. Amen.