God, the Fun-Killer?

God, the Fun-Killer?

I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. Psalms 73:3

I must admit, I have those times when I lament the fact that there are certain things that I will never do again in this life. At my worst, I remember how much I enjoyed pills. I took them for a reason. It felt good.

Sometimes, I see others having a drink, and I think, I wish I was normal. Maybe I could indulge in just one. It’s not that I envy the destruction of the addict. It’s that I envy those who can indulge and get away with no apparent consequences.

I don’t just do it with pills or drink. I do it with food, pride, and everything that leads back to what Scott wants. In the indulgence of my flesh nature, I cause some destruction. Then, I swear, Never again! When the pain wears off though, I mourn the loss. Why did I ever stop? That was fun. I’ll be more careful this time.

In this state of mind, I resent God. Why did you give me these appetites? Does following you mean no more fun?

When I start thinking this way, I must recognize that I am pointing my life back at me, focusing on my flesh nature, which will always sow the seeds of misery. I may think it fun for the moment, but it is utter foolishness to attempt to find my joy and satisfaction in instant gratification.

In today’s passage, the Psalmist wrestled with the same question. He looked around and was frustrated by those who indulged in their destructive passions with no immediate consequences. The answer, he said, was to look to tomorrow (Psalms 73:16-17). Foolishness looks only to the pleasure of today, but wisdom weighs the future.

True satisfaction come only from following God. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever (Psalms 73:26)It may look fun to indulge in our destructive appetites, but if we long to know true joy, peace and life, we will find these things only in pursuing God, not ourselves.

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