
The Flesh and the Spirit: A Men’s Retreat

The Flesh and the Spirit: A Men’s Retreat

I am excited to announce an upcoming men’s retreat at Living Hope Church in Willmar, Minnesota on Saturday, January 28th.  This retreat is designed to explore our condition as Christians who still struggle with our human (flesh) nature.  We all have some defect with which we wrestle and which causes some destruction in our lives.  Some struggle with drugs and alcohol, others with anger, greed, lust or pride.  We all have our own battles.

Using my story of addiction as a starting point, we will work through what the bible says about our flesh life and what it says about the solution, the spirit life.  Several other men will be sharing their stories as well.

The cost is $20 and you can bring a friend for $10 but do not let the cost keep you away.  We will have coffee/donuts (of course) at 8AM and lunch is included.  We will start at 8:30AM and be done by 3:30PM.

Sign up at www.livinghopewillmar.org/men or call the office at 320-235-4317.  You can also sign up next Sunday morning at Living Hope Church in the lobby.  You can contact me with any questions via Facebook Messenger.

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