I Am No Jesus

I Am No Jesus

Matthew 4:23 And he went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel… and healing every disease and every affliction among the people.

I am full of good excuses.  When Jesus says I am to deny self and follow him, I have plenty of reasons not to do so.  I am not you, Jesus.  I cannot heal.  I cannot teach the gospel like you.  I’ve got bills to pay and a job to do.  I’m not a preacher or a healer.  I’m just a doctor.  That’s not the same thing.  I’m no Jesus…

To this, I think He says, You do not need to be able to heal as I did to show your neighbor the love I have shown you.  I’m not asking you to save the world.  I am just asking you to use what I have given you and to share what I have done for you with those around you who are in need.

I will never be able to heal like Jesus did, but I do not need miraculous powers to listen, love, and share my story over a cup of coffee.  I do not have to be able to preach to give of my time, love and effort to those in need.

Here is what I do need to to follow Jesus.  I need obedience, selflessness, humility, and love.  These are the things I am actually telling God that I am not willing to give when I refuse to follow.  I am telling him that I just do not want to obey and love those around me.  I do not want to give my time.  I do not want to give of myself.  I do not want to humble myself by going to jail or treatment.  Those people are scary and I do not want my life to bump into theirs.

I use the excuse that I am no Jesus, but that is a smokescreen covering the fact that deep down, I just do not want to do what He says I am to do.  I would much rather spend my time, effort and money on me and mine. The truth is, I just want to live for me.

God of course, allows me this choice.  I can pursue the desires of my own flesh, or I can deny self and follow him.  God gently reminds me where the pursuits of my flesh have taken me.  He reminds me of the love He has shown me and He reminds me what He has done for me.

He again says, As I have loved you, love your neighbor.  I am not asking you to save the world.  I am asking you to go to those who are in need, using what gifts you have to share my love with them.  Love them, listen to them, and tell them what I have done for you.  Follow me.

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