

Noah in Jail

Noah did this; he did all that God commanded him. Genesis 6:22 As I am always working on tomorrow’s passage, I took this verse with me to jail bible study yesterday, where we discussed Noah and his ark. We read that for Noah, following God radically set him apart from the world. Believing in God…
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Do I Believe Those Crazy Stories?

Make yourself an ark . . . Genesis 6:14 As my father is a pastor, I grew up learning the Old Testament stories as history, as real as any other history I learned in school. It is therefore, not difficult for me to believe in a literal Noah’s ark or in the great fish that swallowed…
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Fixing All the Wrong Things

Genesis 4:8 When they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him. For every college wrestling meet, we had to weigh-in. As everyone tried to wrestle at the lightest possible weight class, we were always struggling to make weight. Some unscrupulous young men, instead of losing the weight, would try…
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I Control My Appetite or It Controls Me

 . . . Sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it. Genesis 4:7 The one who controls his appetite eats something perhaps because it tastes good, but also because it is good for him. The one who is controlled by his appetite eats whatever his appetite…
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The Breaking of the World

To the woman he said, I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing . . . And to Adam he said . . . cursed is the ground because of you . . . thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you. Genesis 3:16-18 I have often struggled with Genesis and the origin of…
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The Day Life Fell Apart

Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat? Genesis 3:11 I think I am not being too dramatic when I say that I can identify with Adam in today’s passage. When God asked him what he had done, Adam’s heart raced as he realized that he had just killed…
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Sweaty Church

God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?” And he said, “I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.” Genesis 3:9,10 In our men’s accountability group, we have learned that if someone stops coming, he has likely returned…
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Puppy Chow Lies

The serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die . . . you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:4,5 On Thanksgiving weekend, as usual, we had far more food than we needed. I had been eating right though, avoiding sugar for months, so I was not worried. I paid…
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Naked and Unashamed

A man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed. Genesis 2:24,25 When in elementary school, I had a recurring dream in which I was sitting at my desk when I…
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Evil Tastes Good

You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat . . . Genesis 2:16,17 When I was in India a few years ago, I visited a rural mountain village where I was fed the local cuisine, which included grubs.…
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