First Things First

First Things First

You will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy 4:24

I wrote yesterday about how jealousy is appropriate in certain relationships. If I desire to maintain a right relationship with God and my family, I must be radically committed to those relationships. At times I still struggle, acting selfishly, chasing the wrong things and injuring what is most important to me.

God said, in today’s passage, that I must pursue Him above all. Even apparently good things can become destructive if I pursue them for the wrong reasons or if I allow them to remove God from His place in my life. He is jealous of my attention and affection.

It has recently become apparent to me, through several voices and incidents, that I have had a blind commitment to this blog, which has caused disruption in my spiritual life and in my home life. If I believe what I write and if I am going to live what I believe, then the time has come to take a break from the blog. I must put first things first.

I am thankful for the support you have all given me and I would love to tell you if or when the blog will be back, but I do not have those answers yet. I can only say that I desire to do right and to seek God with all my heart and soul.


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  1. Dana says:

    While you take your break from the blog, I have plenty of catching up to do. I did not start reading your blog until October of 2017. All the best, Scott.

  2. Larry says:

    I hear you brother and agree. I will miss this time of spiritual insight but you must do what you are led to do. Thank you and God bless. Larry

  3. Marsha says:

    You are a blessing to me everyday! Will be here when you start to blog again.
    Love to all❤️🙏🙏

  4. Tony Freeburg says:

    Thank you for being obedient to God in writing words that challenge and encourage us! You let us walk with you on your journey… And again, thank you for being obedient to God in putting down your “pen” and pursuing God’s best!

  5. J. Smith says:

    I wish you Godspeed as you realign your priorities. May you be fully obedient in His Will. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to grow in God’s Word through your insights and experiences.

  6. Joseph Doran says:

    Blessings brother

  7. Madeline Raasch says:

    You are in my prayers. Thank you for all you do.

  8. Samuel Greene says:

    I will miss you as a part of my morning devotions…but I understand. If you ever Start it up again…let me know.

  9. Jennifer Schwartz says:

    Your words have been very helpful in my own recovery and faith journey. I will miss your blog, but am inspired by your faithfulness and commitment to serve our Lord and Savior.

  10. Dennis Clark says:

    I’ll miss the blog every day but that’s selfish of me. Praise God that you are listening to Him for your priorities.

  11. Gary Danielson says:

    Thank you for your labor for the Lord on our behalf. It’s been very beneficial to my spiritual journey.

  12. Kathy says:

    Your posts have been part of my morning devotions for a year. Thank you for that year. God bless you and your family and the direction God is leading you in. Your commitment to them and Him is priority.

  13. Sheila Tebben says:

    Blessings to you Scott!! You have truly blessed me each day and I will miss the “pricks” you give my soul.

    I’m Ace Bonnema’s sister and we had to put our son in treatment about 1.5 years ago–it was horrible. They really wanted him to go to a half-way house after and Willmar was seriously thought about. He wasn’t willing to commit to that. At that time Stace suggested I start checking your blog. Fortunately, God had the plans in place–o me of little faith–and he has met an awesome Christian gal that will become my daughter in August. There have been and will be bumps that continue but we are so thankful for where he is at now.
    Thank you again for blessing so many–especially me!!

  14. Shelly says:

    Thank you Scott for sharing your time and wisdom with me and others. I can go back and still read the past blogs correct?

    Blessings to you

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