Man On a Mission

Man On a Mission

She replied, “Wait, my daughter, until you learn how the matter turns out, for the man will not rest but will settle the matter today.” Ruth 3:18

Like most of us, when properly motivated, I can be persistent, not letting up until I accomplish what I set out to do. This can be for good or for bad. Back when I had my second knee surgery, and I was sort-of seeking recovery, I told my wife I was going to get through that surgery without opioids. A day later though, I wanted opioids. So, despite everyone telling me it wasn’t a good idea, I went looking for pills, badgering some poor provider until he relented. I simply wasn’t going to stop until I got what I wanted.

Months later, when the fun wore off and the misery of addiction set in, I whined about my predicament. I’ve tried so hard to stop and I just can’t. The truth though, was that I hadn’t tried hard at all. All I’d done was tell myself I was going to quit. I’d just decided a thing in my head. This, of course, never worked because I hadn’t changed anything. Back when I was seeking my pills, I never would have settled for just deciding in my mind that I wanted some. Rather, I went out and made it happen. I eventually realized that if I truly wanted recovery, I had to take the same approach. I had to go out and do whatever it took to find it.

This is the singular focus illustrated in today’s passage. In the story, Ruth and Boaz expressed their intention towards each other, but custom stood in the way. Before they could marry, Boaz had to clear it with one of Ruth’s relatives. Boaz didn’t drag his feet – He was a man in love. So, the very next day, he went to settle the matter. Acting with conviction, Boaz was a man on a mission. He knew what he wanted, and he knew what he had to do. So, he did it.

Not everything in my life can be my top priority, but still, it’s good for me to regularly think about that which is truly important. What do I really want in life? Once, I wanted to feed my appetite and I did whatever it took to get there. Now, in recovery, I want a different life. I’ve known the chaos and misery of my way and I’ve known the joy and peace of God’s way. So, daily, I must live with conviction, like Boaz, not resting until I’m doing whatever it takes to pursue the life for which I was created. If it’s truly important, I must do it today.

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