Is God on My Side?

Is God on My Side?

When Joshua was by Jericho, he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing before him with his drawn sword in his hand. And Joshua went to him and said to him, “Are you for us, or for our adversaries?” And he said, “No; but I am the commander of the army of the LORD. Now I have come.” Joshua 5:13-14

I grew up in an environment where we respected the law and believed that those in law enforcement were the good guys. When it came to the authorities, we considered ourselves as being on the same side. Later in life though, when I used my medical license to divert opioids for my own use, two DEA agents came knocking on my door. Suddenly, I wasn’t on the same side as law enforcement anymore and they weren’t the good guys. They were the ones trying to mess up my life. What had changed since my childhood when those in law enforcement were the good guys? Had they switched sides? No, of course not. It was me who had moved. It was me whose behavior put me on the wrong side, making an antagonist of the law. Those in law enforcement are – ideally – on the side of the law, and whether they are for me or against me is completely up to me.

Today’s passage teaches the same concept about God. In the story, as the Israelites approached Jericho, Joshua met an armed emissary of God. Recognizing this as a heavenly being of great authority, Joshua wanted to know whose side he was on. Are you for me or against me? Representing God though, the messenger said neither. Rather, he was on God’s side. The implication is clear – God wasn’t on Joshua’s side, but Joshua could be on God’s side. Joshua wasn’t team captain. God was. If Joshua wanted to be on the same side, it was Joshua who needed to move, not God.

I often get this wrong. Often, I see God as existing for my purposes. In any trial, big or small, it’s always tempting to be frustrated with God. Don’t you love me? Why did you allow this? Why won’t you fix it? I treat God as a cosmic waiter who must serve my needs. God though, isn’t on Team Scott. Rather, Scott can be on God’s team, but that all depends on Scott. If I want to be on God’s side, it’s me who must move, not God. When I go my own way, I put myself in an adversarial position to God. When I follow God though, I join his side. Daily then, I can be on God’s side or I can go my own way. Daily, the choice is up to me.

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