I Just Can’t Do it Right Now

I Just Can’t Do it Right Now

He lived there two whole years at his own expense, and welcomed all who came to him, proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance. Acts 28:30-31

Long before I went to treatment, I knew I needed it. The problem, as I saw it, was that treatment would simply be too disruptive to my life. I’d have to tell my employer and I knew I’d likely lose my job. Ironically, getting sober was my only chance at saving my career and my marriage, but yet, it was so inconvenient to get help. So, I limped along, wondering every day if this was the day it would all fall apart. Eventually, it did, and the job that I felt hindered me from going to treatment was removed from my life.

Now, whenever anyone on the downward spiral of addiction tells me that they just can’t go to treatment because it’s too inconvenient, I tell them my story. I tell them how all of those things preventing them from getting help – kids, spouse, and job – will go away on their own if they don’t find recovery. It’s hard to do, but I’ve seen those who recognize the approaching disaster and choose radical change before the catastrophe hits. Putting aside their job and leaving their home, they go to treatment because they realize that they must find recovery if they want to keep their job and home. They’ve got their priorities straight, which always impresses me because I wasn’t able to do it on my own.

Paul had his priorities straight. Under house arrest in Rome, he didn’t allow that inconvenience to stop his life’s work of spreading the gospel. Singularly committed to sharing the message of Christ, he preached to anyone who would come to him, even while awaiting his own trial. He wasn’t consumed with saving himself. Rather, he saw clearly his life purpose – to spend his all time, effort, and money doing what God put him on Earth to do.

We don’t have to be Paul. We should though, examine our priorities. What is that important thing that we’re waiting to do until it’s convenient? I’ll do it next year. While doing nothing, days turn to weeks and weeks turn into years. Today though, if we choose to do the inconvenient thing, the important thing, we too can begin to live as we were created to live.

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