The Voices in My Head

The Voices in My Head

But when they believed Philip as he preached good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women. Acts 8:12

One of the pillars of addiction recovery is meeting regularly with others who are also working on recovery. I know this and I want to continue in my sobriety, but still, it’s not uncommon for me to simply not feel like I want to go to a meeting. I’ve been sober for 6 years now. I don’t really need to keep working at this. Skipping one week is no big deal. I’d rather just stay home and watch TV. Then, after I make myself go, I’m always glad I did. In filling my mind with something good – something that points me towards God – I remember why I must continue to go. Life is a battle and that which I listen to today, makes a very real difference in my tomorrow.

If I allow my mind to be filled with junk, I drift towards my way of doing things, which is what led to addiction in the first place. If, however, I read my Bible, pray, and spend time with others who want to go in the same direction I want to go, I find myself abandoning my self-destructive path for God’s. The voices I allow into my head have a significant impact on my thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors.

Today’s passage describes two very different voices. In the story, Simon the magician used his magic to mesmerize his fellow Samaritans, elevating himself to the status of a god. Then, Philip showed up, preaching the good news of Jesus, pointing the people, not to himself, but to the one true God.

This is often the measure we must use to judge whether or not we listen to a voice or allow it into our heads. Is this thing or person pointing me towards man’s way or towards God’s way? If some activity or influence pushes me towards my path of self-destruction, then I must abandon it. If something or someone points me towards God however, then I must embrace that voice, following it to life, joy, and freedom.

Life is a daily battle. In this battle, there are those who want to help us and those who don’t. Daily, we must choose which voices we follow. Does this voice lead me towards man’s way or God’s? 

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