The Problem with Christians

The Problem with Christians

They were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. Acts 2:45

Though I’ve been in recovery for a few years, I’ve still got my struggles. I might be sober, but I remain prideful, judgmental, and selfish. Twice over the last year, I’ve learned of acquaintances who, in financial need, were offered jobs by businessmen whom I also know. Two things about this bother me. First, I probably wouldn’t have considered the possibility of helping out those two guys in need. I would likely have offered my prayer – and I genuinely would’ve prayed – but I wouldn’t have gotten involved financially. Second, these business owners weren’t individuals whom I considered “Christian enough” to do what they did. Though I was judgmental of their faith, they did what was right, when I wouldn’t have. I may have come a long way when it comes to my drug addiction, but I’ve still got my flaws.

Today’s passage describes the selfless, generous attitude of those in the early church. Those early Christians lived in such unified love of Christ that they met each other’s financial needs. If someone had a lot, they gave to those who had little. They sold their possessions, sharing what they had with the poor among them. That sounds like a nice idea, but honestly, I’m not really interested. I like my stuff and I’ve worked hard for it, thank-you very much. As it turns out, I’ve still got some addictions that I need to drag before God.

This, of course, is the problem with Christians. We may believe in God, and he may have made some radical changes in our lives, but we won’t be made perfect in this life. Like everyone else, we’re still deeply flawed individuals.

In recovery, it’s easy to begin to think that I have faith all figured out. Today’s passage though, serves as a reminder of my ongoing struggles. Just because I’m sober, that doesn’t mean I can quit growing and changing. I have other addictions that I daily must bring to God. I still cling to my money and possessions in unhealthy, self-destructive ways.

We may be saved and forgiven if we have faith in Christ, but this doesn’t mean we don’t require continual transformation. If we truly follow Christ, daily, we’ll go to him asking what we must do to abandon ourselves and follow him.

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