Those Who Reject Our Faith and Recovery

Those Who Reject Our Faith and Recovery

One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see. John 9:25

 A few years ago, I went through a phase when I read several books by notable atheists. I needed to understand the most common objections to my faith. Those authors posed some great questions for which I didn’t have answers. So, I set out to find answers, reading a lot of books on apologetics – books which defended Christianity. I wanted to have an airtight argument that I could use on those who didn’t believe as I did.

What is interesting to me now that I’ve come to know Alcoholics Anonymous, is that I’m not aware of many books on apologetics for AA. AA uses attraction rather than promotion and doesn’t try and defend itself from detractors. The members of AA follow God to a sober life. If someone wants in on that, then its members are more than willing to show the way. If someone rejects their beliefs, AA doesn’t have much to say about it. We’re living in recovery and if you want, you can join us. If not, that’s your choice.

This seems to be the tone of the blind man healed by Jesus in today’s passage. In the story, the Pharisees heard of this healing, which took place on the Sabbath (unlawful according to the Pharisees), and so they repeatedly questioned the man and his parents, insisting that Jesus was a sinner. The healed man, tired of arguing with them, said, “Whether he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.”

Exasperated with their questioning, the man went on, “I have told you already, and you would not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you also want to become his disciples (John 9:27)?” The healed man recognized that the Pharisees weren’t interested in following Christ. They only wanted to attack him. So, he didn’t engage in arguing for Christ. He simply explained what Jesus had done for him.

When we encounter those who would attack our faith or recovery, we would do well to model the man in today’s story. It’s not wrong to have logical arguments ready to defend ourselves, but it’s unlikely that we’ll argue others into sobriety or faith. Often, the best thing we can do, is simply to tell of what God has done for us and then respectfully accept that everyone makes his or her own choice.

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