The End of The Seeds of the Spirit

The End of The Seeds of the Spirit

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

Nearly four years ago, I began writing The Seeds of the Spirit. Almost daily since then, this blog has chronicled my own walk of faith and recovery. It was born out of my drug addiction and desperate need to abandon my self-destructive ways. The title was taken from Galatians 6:8-9, which contrasts following man’s way with following God’s way. Living my way had led me to a disaster. The only solution was to make a genuine, daily effort to abandon my path to follow something far better. God has yet to lead me astray. When I do fail – and I still do – it’s because I still struggle with following me.

As far as I may have come in five years of recovery, I know that I’ll never be done growing. There’s always something for me to work on. This is the Christian life, to continue to walk by faith, daily abandoning the old life to follow the new one. Change can be uncomfortable, but it’s necessary for growth. As followers of Christ, every day is a new beginning.

So, it’s time for The Seeds of the Spirit blog to be done. I’m not going to stop writing or blogging though. I’m excited to announce that on – or about – February first, my new blog, Faith in the Struggle, will be up and running.

In the coming months, Tristan Publishing will be releasing my book, Freedom in the Fight, born out of the old blog, as a 365-daily devotional on faith and recovery. The new website will be part of an effort to reach a larger audience with the message of both the book and blog.

If all goes according to plan, this won’t require the reader to do much of anything different. The old website address will automatically redirect to the new one, which is already in existence and can be viewed now at

If you get the blog by email, you will continue to receive it daily, only under the new title. If you read it on Facebook, it will still be there as well, again, with the new title.

I thank all of you for reading and encouraging me in my walk. It is my hope and prayer to continue to encourage you in yours.


Scott Abrams

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