Month: September 2019

Two-Faced Faith

“I do not know the man.” And immediately the rooster crowed. Matthew 26:74 While in college, I spent a couple of summers as a counselor at a Christian camp. There, in that environment, I was genuinely interested in living the life of faith and discipleship. I noticed on the weekends though, when I returned to a…
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Two-Faced Faith

“I do not know the man.” And immediately the rooster crowed. Matthew 26:74 While in college, I spent a couple of summers as a counselor at a Christian camp. There, in that environment, I was genuinely interested in living the life of faith and discipleship. I noticed on the weekends though, when I returned to a…
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An Addict by Any Other Name . . .

All who take the sword will perish by the sword. Matthew 26:52 It’s not uncommon in Christian recovery circles to hear that you’re not an addict, you’re a Christian. The belief is that one cannot be both, and that if you identify as struggling with an addiction, it will be a self-fulfilling and self-defeating prophecy. To…
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The Judas Kiss

The one I will kiss is the man; seize him. Matthew 26:48 I feel some sympathy for Judas. I know he pretended to be Jesus’ friend, while betraying him, but I think he unintentionally got in way over his head. He loved money, and as the treasurer for the disciples, he embezzled their funds. He gradually…
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The Judas Kiss

The one I will kiss is the man; seize him. Matthew 26:48 I feel some sympathy for Judas. I know he pretended to be Jesus’ friend, while betraying him, but I think he unintentionally got in way over his head. He loved money, and as the treasurer for the disciples, he embezzled their funds. He gradually…
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Time for Big Boy Pants

Sleep and take your rest later on. See, the hour is at hand . . . Matthew 26:45 While enslaved to drugs, I wanted out. I was tired of the paranoia, withdrawal, lying, and continual hiding. It was a miserable life and I wanted help, but I avoided it because I knew the mountain of misery…
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Time for Big Boy Pants

Sleep and take your rest later on. See, the hour is at hand . . . Matthew 26:45 While enslaved to drugs, I wanted out. I was tired of the paranoia, withdrawal, lying, and continual hiding. It was a miserable life and I wanted help, but I avoided it because I knew the mountain of misery…
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When It’s Not a Choice Anymore

Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. Matthew 26:41 Modern medicine defines addiction as a brain disease of reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. What this means, is that at one time, the addict may engage in voluntary behavior, but through repeated rewards, the brain is rewired. Over time, the once voluntary behavior…
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Stuck in Christian Sand

The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41 Someone once asked me what my obsession was with the flesh nature. The question caught me off guard. I thought the answer was obvious, as we were sitting in a sober housing unit surrounded by those who had torn their lives apart in following…
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Daily Transformation

My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will. Matthew 26:39 If I approached the gym like I approach my faith life, I’d probably just sit back, praying for God to make me faster, stronger, and in better shape. I’d probably think that faith…
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