Christian Smugness

Christian Smugness

These last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat. Matthew 20:12

I’m a pastor’s kid, so when I was young, I went to church twice on Sunday and again on Wednesday. I didn’t swear, smoke, or drink alcohol so, I knew I was pretty good. I wouldn’t have said out loud that God loved me more than others, but I knew I was better than.

My parents didn’t teach me that God loved me more or that I was better. They didn’t have to. When someone believes he has lived as God wants, his pride naturally swells, telling him that he is pretty fantastic, that God owes him. If God told me I was the humblest man on Earth, I’d quickly become the most prideful. As a Christian, I’m prone to smugness because I believe I’m following God and, like everyone, I’m still prideful.

In today’s passage, Jesus addressed Christian smugness. In the parable, he told of a landowner who went out in the morning to hire the day’s workers for an agreed wage. Several more times during the day he hired more workers. Late in the day, he hired the last group, who labored only an hour, but still got paid the same as everyone else. Though the first workers received what was agreed upon, they were offended that the latecomers got as much. We deserve more! You owe us! The landowner corrected them. I paid you exactly what we agreed. Do not begrudge the grace I bestow on others. You’re not better than them (my paraphrase).

We may all struggle differently, but in the eyes of our maker, we’re not better than anyone, and we don’t deserve more than others. I’ve said it before, but when we think we’re better in God’s eyes, we’re like a blade of grass, boasting that we’re closer to the sun because we’re a centimeter taller than the grass around us.

In today’s passage, Jesus reminds us that we don’t earn his love and forgiveness. It’s a free gift that no one deserves. That’s painful news to the smug who believe they better. It’s a blessed truth though, for those of us who’ve come along at the last hour – realizing how badly we need God’s grace – and still find him to be loving and kind.

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