Wishing Time Away

Wishing Time Away

So all the generations from Abraham to David were fourteen generations, and from David to the deportation to Babylon fourteen generations, and from the deportation to Babylon to the Christ fourteen generations. Matthew 1:17

When my kids were toddlers, others told me to enjoy it, because it wouldn’t last. I remember those first winters though, when they weren’t yet old enough to play in the snow, wishing that they were just a little older. I couldn’t speed time up by wishing for it to pass, but now of course, I’d give just about anything to go back and have one day with those two toddlers again. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a little regret for wishing time away.

This is one of my flaws. I tend to be restless, never sitting still, always waiting for the next thing. I can’t wait for _____. It’s not that I’m unhappy now, I’m just constantly looking for what’s next and then when it gets here, I’m ready to move on. For me, enjoying the present is a struggle.

In today’s passage, at the opening of the New Testament, Matthew laid out the genealogy of the messiah, Jesus, whose coming Malachi had prophesied 400 years earlier. Those who heard Malachi’s words must have, I think, waited eagerly for the messiah, while never living to see his prophesy realized. Four hundred long years passed, as Israel awaited its coming savior. During this time, they must have wished time away, longing for something that most of them would die without seeing.

Many of us find ourselves in a similar position. If only God would do ____ in my life. Then I’d be happy. I can’t wait for _____. We have some problem or trial and we wait for the day when God arrives to fix it. Until that day arrives, we wish our lives away.

In my addiction, I longed for a day when I’d be sober. I was miserable, wishing my wretched life away, waiting on God to fix me. Eventually, I realized that joy, peace, and life weren’t something far off. They could be found here and now, if only I’d pursue them. This wasn’t easy. I had to make some radical life changes. Waiting for some far-off event to come, to make me happy though, was useless.

I had to realize that the life God wants for me is here, now. Today, I can know God, spending precious time in my relationship with him, embracing the life, joy, and peace for which I was made. I don’t need to wait for some future circumstance to know happiness. I can have life in God now. I don’t want to wish time away. I want to embrace the life and joy God intends for me today.


Author’s Note: I finished the Old Testament about a month ago. I then covered the 12 steps of AA and the 16 principles of my own recovery. Now, we are restarting the New Testament. Here we go. 


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