Step 12 – Carrying the Message

Step 12 – Carrying the Message

Step 12: Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you. Luke 8:39

I wish I could say that my inpatient chemical dependency treatment four years ago was my first attempt at recovery, but unfortunately, it was my third. The first two times around, I desired to maintain my dignity, so I kept my addiction a secret. When I reluctantly went to meetings, I left town to do so. I wasn’t interested in helping anyone else with their recovery and I certainly didn’t share my story in a blog.

My problem was twofold. First, I was more concerned about my reputation than my recovery. Second, I didn’t have much to tell, because I hadn’t really allowed God to do much for me. I put in the minimum effort required to maintain my medical license and then I put it all behind me. I’m glad that’s over. I’m sure glad I maintained my pride. Back to normal life now. Changing nothing meant I soon went straight back to using. I continued to follow me, and predictable results ensued.

In treatment this last time, I finally became willing to do the daily work of abandoning myself to follow Christ. I do it far from perfectly, but in making the effort, God has saved me from myself. Now, I can’t not tell others of the new life he’s given me.

When I got out of treatment, I realized my need to meet with others who also desperately needed God. I started going to jail and I met with other addicts. In doing so, I naturally began giving back, sharing what Christ had done for me. I quickly realized why we need to do step twelve. We must carry the message because it’s an inherent part of faith and recovery. This is not optional and if we refuse to do it, we veer from God’s path. As AA says, We keep what we have by giving it away.

In today’s passage, Christ healed a man of his demon possession. Set free, the man begged to remain with Jesus, who had a different mission for him. Go tell others what I’ve done for you. Those of us who have found healing in God, must carry the message to those still struggling. I see you struggling brother. Can I tell you my story? Here’s what God did for me. This is step twelve. This is faith and recovery.


One Response

  1. Trice says:

    Beautifully done Scott, I’ve so enjoyed your explanation of the 12 Steps.

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