Dinner and a Show

Dinner and a Show

I am pleased to announce that I am selling tickets for The Fortress Spring Banquet where I will be speaking on March 10th.  For those of you who do not know The Fortress, it is a Christian men’s residential facility here in Willmar, offering transformative programming for those struggling with addiction.

Most residents have come out of treatment or incarceration and need a new start to prevent going back to the old life.  At The Fortress, men with a history of addiction are introduced to a new life of following God instead of the old self.  I am proud to be a supporter of this ministry and I hope that you will come and join me on Friday, March 10th, 6:00PM at the Willmar conference center.

You will enjoy a meal of Chicken Kiev, a live auction and I will be speaking as well.

Tickets are $35 each and can be purchased by contacting me via email at: sabrams567@gmail.com

No Responses

  1. Debbie says:

    Is this just for men.

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