Site icon Faith in the Struggle

When God Disappoints

Philippians 4:19 God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Life does not always go according to my plan. God does not always answer prayer exactly as I hope. Sometimes, God disappoints. What do I do with my faith when I feel God has let me down?

My response depends largely on my perspective and level of maturity. In my immaturity and lack of faith, I have used today’s passage to prosecute God. You promised you would give me everything I need. You have failed me. Why? Do you not care? Are you even real? Why should I follow you?

In my continued addiction to self, my perspective is limited to a world that revolves around me. I see my temporal preferences as my absolute needs. God though, has a radically different perspective regarding my ultimate, eternal needs.

The book of Hebrews describes how some Christians were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were killed with the sword (Heb. 11:37). Was God’s promise from today’s passage not for them? Or, does this passage mean something other my immature faith takes it to mean? Did God abandon those who met with violent ends or did they, in eternity, receive exactly what they needed?

This is a difficult perspective for me as it requires a faith that looks beyond my temporal, fleshly desires. This perspective requires me to look to the greater reality of my spirit life. That which I may need according to God may have very little to do with what I want or think I need.

It is only in choosing the perspective of faith, keeping my eyes on God, that I am able to accept that God always gives me exactly what I need. It is only in faith that I can know contentment and joy despite life’s disappointments.

Faith is not hoping that God will make everything turn out as I planned. Faith is following God, particularly when life does not go according to my plan.


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